The sport of fencing from a traditional point of view
The Evangelista School of Fencing was established in 1981, by Nick Evangelista. Maestro Evangelista has been fencing for fifty-three years. His approach to fencing is based on principles of the traditional French School of Fencing, taught to him by his own fencing master, former Olympian, Ralph Faulkner. What Evangelista teaches today is very similar in form to what was being taught in fencing salles in Europe in the late 1700s. The essence of the French school is strategy, control, and non-confrontation. That is, the fencer learns to out think and out maneuver his opponent, based on that individual's fencing traits. If an adversary uses strength, speed, and aggression as his approach to gaining touches, the French taught fencer will not meet his opponent head to head, but reach within his repertoire of responses that will undercut force, and turn the aggressor's own actions against him.
Thought old-fashioned by some, the French school, as taught by Evangelista, is anything but. It is a dynamic form that draws together the body and mind into a single martial force. It leads the fencer to both find his or her potential as a modern practitioner of the sword, and at the same time expresses the age old concept of "to hit and not be hit." The Maestro refers to fencing as a physical language; and observes that to be truly successful in finding the truths fencing has to offer, one must learn to speak and think in this language.
Maestro Evangelista truly believes in the Latin saying, In ferro veritas : In the sword is truth.